Heavy Equipments:
1and1 Electric, Inc. has specialized in heavy equipment since many years now. We offer a complete package from start to finish. We have suceesfulyy sold millions of dollars in equipment.We offer both new and used heavy equipment, cranes, inspections services and parts worldwide. Our excellent customer service is our hall mark.
With mnay years of experience firmly behind us,we can find exactly what you need for every project. Our heavy equipment service industry encompasses all on-highway and off-highway mobile equipment. Rubber tired loaders, skidsteers, forklifts, manlifts, motor graders, rollers, farm & utility tractors, road tractors, cab & chassis, dump trucks, rollback trucks, specialtytrucks, trailers, containers, industrial equipment, tools and shop equipment are just to name a few.
1and1 Electric has the most experienced service personnel in the industry. Our customers enjoy the benefits of a knowledgeable staff, state-of-the-art engineering department, expert parts department and unparalleled quality workmanship. All the above factors go along way to contribute to the on-going success of 1and1 Electric and it’s customers.